...our three beautiful girlies!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

counting down the days...

This is the last weekend I will ever have a baby bump!  Bittersweet... As uncomfortable as things are becoming, I am sad to think I will never feel the miracle of a precious life growing inside of me again... The whole thing is truly a miracle, isn't it?  After church today, I have really had some time to reflect on what an incredible journey having children is... You pray for them, and for their health; you take care of them in the womb, by protecting and caring for your body; you get to know them and their patterns, recognize their different {and sharp!} parts, like elbows, knees, and heels;  and you love them, more than anything in the world, and you've never even met them!  Then you spend the rest of your lives, regardless of how long or short that may be, praying for them, doing everything you possibly can to guide them, teach them, and protect them... It's all a little overwhelming!

I also am in awe and so incredibly thankful for praying friends and family that surround us...  I had the sweetest message from a friend of ours that brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it {I saved it}!  It is so encouraging to know that others genuinely care and love our family, and even more so, take the time to lift us up in prayer.  When I think about all of our family, church family, friends, Sunday school class, Bible study groups, social clubs, etc. who are praying for us, it really gives me a peace beyond description about having this baby - the anesthesia, the surgery, the recovery, and most importantly, for how we will raise her.  Even in the moments when I catch myself getting anxiety about having another c-section, or having a third child, I find a great peace in knowing others are praying with me, and for me.  Thank you, if that includes you! 

A lot of you know, my anesthesia with Reese didn't go so well, and since she was my first, it put a bad taste in my mouth for all future spinals... One of my great friends, Lacy Harry Coker, gave me a verse to claim in the OR when I delivered Ramsey.  I didn't feel my spinal at all... This pregnancy, I have gotten a verse from one of my great friends Natalie Price White to claim during my spinal... She recently delivered Mr. Mason Greggory White 8 weeks early, and just days ago, by the grace of God, got to bring her new baby home. Congratulations!  And once again - shows the power of praying friends!
The scripture is from 2 Corinthians:

"But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

I will be clinging to that verse this Friday at noon, as I deliver our third and final baby girl... I ask you to pray with us as well!

Other things I am reflecting on and thankful for today:  my first and second baby girls, Reese and Ramsey... how blessed Tanner and I have been by them, how beautiful they are, how sweet and loving and compassionate, how different and distinct their personalities are, and how much love they have for each other.  I think they are what makes me most excited about another little girl... their baby sister.  And obviously, I am so incredibly thankful for Tanner, what an incredible husband and father he is... how helpful he is, and how much he loves me and his baby girls - regardless that he is wildly outnumbered :)  There is nothing sweeter than watching him with our children... It is hard to grasp that 5 {almost 6!} short years ago we were married and now, within the week, we will have a family of five - our complete family! 

Obviously, I am very hormonal and emotional today... closing a chapter in our lives {carrying babies} and moving forward {raising babies}... Thanks for being a part and sharing in the sweetness... 
My plans this week are to rest, rest, rest!  Ramsey is feeling like a whole new child... she is well, and successfully switched to soy milk, which has tremendously improved her allergies!  Reese is doing great - busy with softball, and highly anticipating the arrival of her newest sister {and getting to miss a day of school!}.   Hopefully, the next time you check for an update, we will have the arrival of a new little life to report :) 

Have a great week!

Our family today... four... soon to be FIVE!

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